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Friday, January 11, 2008

iDebate Success

We would like to thank the candidates that attended and therefore were interested enough to answer questions directly from the people.

Just as importantly we would like to thank the many people that posed questions – over 220 – and the 100+ that attended.

The iDebate afforded the opportunity for anyone to ask any question of the candidates. Every question was recorded, the questioner was provided with a receipt and all questions were given to everyone in attendance thereby ensuring that no question was omitted. No question was edited in any way. The candidates were not provided with the questions prior to the question being posed at the forum.

We found the iDebate to be positive, cordial, entertaining, humorous at times and visionary. The questions covered 13 different categories. The best pizza was served at the end to give time for the attendees to speak directly with the candidates in an affable environment.

All candidates were invited two months ago, and all candidates accepted then with the exception of Dr. Recker (he was professional enough to demonstrate a conflict in schedule). The format of the debate was made aware to all candidates personally at that time and as posted on the blog two months ago. Several advertisements appeared in the local papers. Despite accepting, some candidates opted not to attend when their handlers demanded the questions in advance so as to have prepared answers and even refuse to answer questions.

This event was truly for the citizens – no question was negated or altered in any way. Every candidate was chosen at random and given the exact same time to answer.

The sponsors – who sought help from no one – were eager for inclusion despite varying opinions on the issues. If only one person got something out of this event, we herald a success.

On a Personal Note
The author would like to personally thank Linda McCune or taking time away from her family to be the official timekeeper. Additionally, the author would like to personally thank Mark Helfgott for hours of work setting up the sound and recording system.

The author would like to personally thank Joe Oliverio of Joey’s Pizza for his sincere attempt to bring all parties together in a fair and balanced format. For those that perennially denigrate anyone they don’t agree with, here is a successful man that put his time, money and reputation on the line for the community while enduring scorn and much more from the supporters of those that did not attend. Sadly, the Luce maxim “no good deed goes unpunished” has been proven correct once again.

But from those of clear conscience, thank you Joe.


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