On Marco Island: Independent Reporting, Documenting Government Abuses, Exposing the Syndicate, Historical Records of Crimes Against the Environment

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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Grant for Cisterns Now Available

Contact your independent city councilors to pursue this wonderful opportunity for water conservation. The grant can pay the entirety of the conversion.

Based on the highest previous award, and given a real cost of a cistern at $500, the grant will pay for 1,500 conversions. That's a very conservative water saving estimate of over 14,000,000 gallons per year.

Here is a list of previous grant awards:

  • Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department ($75,000): Retrofitting 1,000 homes owned by seniors or low-income residents and built before 1985, with high-efficiency showerheads, toilets and aerators.
  • Lee County Utilities ($14,646): Purchasing and installing 16 automatic flushing devices near the extreme ends of the potable water distribution system.
  • City of Fort Lauderdale ($15,000): Purchasing and installing 10 automatic flushing devices for potable water distribution lines near the boundaries of the city’s service area.
  • Palm Beach Parks and Recreation Department ($37,120): Purchasing and installing a computerized irrigation management system for South County Regional Park.
  • City of North Miami Beach ($8,000): Installing battery-powered controllers and rain sensors in 40 medians. Mediterra Community Association, Inc. ($35,622): Installation of smart satellite irrigation controllers.
  • Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department ($38,875): Evaluating, calibrating and providing rebate funding for efficiency upgrades to the irrigation system of 25 larger homeowner associations.
  • Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority ($30,000): Providing rebate funding toward the purchase and installation of 350 high efficiency toilets and offering free low-flow showerheads and bathroom aerators.
  • Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department ($75,000): Providing rebate funding toward the purchase and installation of 1,000 high efficiency toilets and offering free low-flow showerheads and bathroom aerators.
  • City of Lighhouse Point ($33,000): Purchasing and installing efficient irrigation controllers and emitters on irrigation systems on city-owned property.
  • City of Pompano Beach ($14,950): Purchasing and distributing 2,000 high efficiency retrofit kits (showerheads and kitchen and bathroom aerators) to city residents.
  • Broward County, Board of County Commissioners ($75,000): Issuing up to 3,000 utility bill credits to reach at least 1,500 homes for the purchase and installation of high efficiency toilets.
  • City of Plantation ($50,000): Issuing utility bill credits to reach at least 1,000 homes for the purchase and installation of high efficiency toilets.


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