What to Name City Hall
If you are from the Rob Popoff School of Protecting, Respecting and Tolerating the Rights of Others Exercising their 1st Amendment Right of Free Speech:
The City of Marco Island Marxist Hall
If you are from the sludge the oozes behind closed-doors and arranges for surprise items to be voted on and then show up by "coincidence" to speak supporting the unscheduled item:
The Syndicate Puppet Factory
If you still believe that the STRP was put in motion because septic tanks were polluting the waterways:
The Patterson "There Be Fecal" Emporium
After the feds prosecute for violating the Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act:
They All Worked or Laboured Here before They Got Indicted
So exactly why did several councilors claim that Charlie Crist personally told them that the City will get a sewer system "whether the citizens wanted it or not" at about the same time that the partner of a city councilor was appointed to Crist's Commissioner of the Florida Elections Commission:
The Syndicate-to-Crist Good 'Ol Boy Club Meeting Hall
In memory of he who publicly boasted to deleting emails about city business from citizens he did not like (and unlike his colleague not getting prosecuted) and lying about having photographs of people planting asbestos:
E. Glenn Tucker et. Al.
And to prove that there is consistency and that rules are always applied uniformly, the Syndicate will ensure that their ilk and those in the now defunct Celebrate Marco show up to support the following name, and when African-Americans or Hispanics or Orientals or anyone who is one of "those people" stand up to decry the name, they are escorted out of the building because after all the individual for whom city hall is to be named is "not here to defend himself":
William Joseph Simmons Memorial Building
Named after the ONLY two idiots stupid enough to put themselves at risk by repeatedly measuring toxic levels of hydrogen sulfide in the air, hydrogen sulfide and sulfuric acid in the waters and stupidly believing that the Crist-FDEP-Tucker-Minozzi-Popoff-Trotter cabal would act or vote to at least temporarily stop damaging the health of people and the environment, and for believing that anyone else could give a flying F$%&!@K:
Godfrey Davies and Mario Sanchez Hall for the Naively Dim-witted
If you want to know who paid for it:
Quality Enterprise Park
To commemorate he who contributed the parking to very same City Hall being named while being stupid enough to solicit a "patient" (presumably not a mental one) while said patient was recording him:
Andrew Guidry Halfway House
If you want to give it an apt name:
District 9
If you want to give it an honest name based on who really runs the place:
Syndicate Hall
… but seriously,
If you are an American that values free speech and those that speak the truth:
The Robert Glaub Democracy Citizens Centre
You are one of the most disgusting, reprehensible organisms ever to consume resources that could be better used by productive organisms. I refuse to refer to you as human, because that would be an insult to all other members of the human race. You are without shame or intelligence, but only evil venom. I pity you more than dislike you. Going through life in a delusional and hateful state must be a very sad way to live.
Patrick Neale, at Sunday, January 10, 2010 1:14:00 PM
It seems to me that the naming of a public building in honor of an individual should be predicated on the history of the building or the municipality. To hear the current city council pontificate one would think that the history of Marco Island began and ended with Glenn Tucker.
Just to refresh the memories of the elite who control the city council, and ipso facto the city, we would not be a city were it not for the gargantuan efforts of Harry Cowin, who, by the way, passed away recently without adequate acknowledgement from council. He subsequently became the first chairman of the city council. If city hall is to be named after anyone he would be the logical choice. But as I said, the present city council cannot see beyond the end of their collective noses. Which, by the way, is how they approach all of their civic responsibilities.
A pox on all of them. Humphrey
Anonymous, at Monday, January 11, 2010 1:10:00 PM
I've grown weary by the vituperation we're witnessing, not just related to the election, but to an effort to recognize a major contributor to life on Marco. Glenn Tucker and I fought like cats and dogs politically, but were able to maintain a friendship built over the years, through a personal and professional relationship. For opponents to naming City Hall in his honor to resort to the most scathing adjectives in denouncing such a move is beyond my comprehension. I used to believe that Marcoites had a lot of class and a better vocabulary. The majorit do fit that description, but a few on both sides of an issue have a limited vocabulary and display that deficiency everytime they get their hands on a word processor. Liked him or not, the fact remains that Tucker served the longest of any council member, and was not a member of the syndicate, although sometimes one wondered. My own feeling is that if Tucker is to be honored, so should Harry Cowin. Harry died recently. Latecomers to the Island didn't know how hard he worked for cityhood, and was rewarded for his efforts by being elected by his peeers as the First Council Chairman. So why doesn't the Council if it wants to do something constructive, name it the Cowin-Tucker City Hall or the Tucker-Cowin City Hall. But please, if you don't like the idea, show some class and act like a grownup in your voiced opposition.
David Rush, at Tuesday, January 12, 2010 9:08:00 AM
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