On Marco Island: Independent Reporting, Documenting Government Abuses, Exposing the Syndicate, Historical Records of Crimes Against the Environment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

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Saturday, February 28, 2009

So, Exactly How Do Some Think (Or Not)?

Read this gem:

From: "Wayne Waldack"
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2009 20:08:47 -0500
Subject: RE: Harrison

Your first assertion that Mr. Harrison was fired is incorrect. Mr. Harrison is a man of great character that opted to retire rather than listening to false allegations of cooking the books. He is a professional. The False Accusations, like you bring up here are not worthy of a professional person like yourself. I thought dentists checked out the facts before they operated to remove teeth.


If this Harrison person "had to retire than listen to false allegations of cooking the books" - why is this Harrison person back while still in retirement performing the exact same function? ... perhaps after one retires one becomes deaf?

By the way, for those that have never been professionals and write these inanities, professionals don't suddenly retire when presented with allegations of wrongdoing since allegations are merely assertions waiting to be proven, unproven or just simply exposed as sham accusations.

Professionals ensure transparency and work to prove or otherwise dispel the allegations. Unless they and their supporters are deaf, dumb and blind of course.


  • Are the city manager and the city council obtuse or just plain arrogant in this? There is a planned audit of the finances of Marco Island. It seems to me that the financial records of Marco Island should be impounded and not open to manipulation by the
    former finance manager who left under a cloud. What moron decided to bring him back to work mischief on the books? Have we gone mad?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Tuesday, March 03, 2009 4:03:00 PM  

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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Responding to Unfortunate Article ...

Today, February 25, 2009 appears in the Naples Daily News (NDN) an article where the Collier County School Board (CCSB) is quoted as saying that there will be no high school on Marco Island - based on CCSB criteria.

The article is: State won’t allow Collier school district to build a high school on Marco Island : Education : Naples Daily News

The article was written without any input from those of us with a different perspective on the issue - the very same ones working diligently to bring a public high school for exemplary education to Marco Island. This lack of balance is exacerbated considering that the NDN reporter was given our contact information last week during the last school board meeting.

To the issues raised in said article as related to the school, we respond thus:

  • Instead of encouraging and fostering our ideas and motivation for improving education all we hear from CCSB is No, No, No.
  • There is a process by which we can petition the state directly for a high school.
  • CCSB and a private for profit commercial enterprise's portrayal of Tract K deed restriction is completely wrong. The deed clearly states "School Site #2" when it refers to Tract K. This can be viewed on the website marcohigh.com
  • Just because CCSB has set criteria for high schools in terms of size and offering everything to everyone does not make their policies practical, effective or even realistic. In fact, such policies have been shown to be counterproductive to the ultimate goal - education.
  • CCSB use empty seats as the criteria of a system based on dollars and head count, not one based on education.
  • The number of high school students referred to in the NDN article was estimated to be about 300 - a grossly inaccurate number. It doesn't take into account the students in private high schools, home schooled, surrounding areas, or those who depart the area so as not to attend the presently designated high school. Based on the number of children at MICMS alone the number is higher.
  • A premier High School on Marco Island will draw people to the area and therefore obviating the whole "head count" basis for providing facilities. Again, our goal is an exemplary education.
  • The State of Florida and President Obama - as recently as last night - encourage thinking outside of the box when it come to education. That is exactly what we are doing.
  • Our hope is that the CCSB joins us in this effort to bring a High School for exemplary education to Marco Island because we only want what is best for the children especially in regards to their education.
Without further elaboration, this is our position. We welcome working with anyone who shares these ideals.

We ask those who support a high school to express their views with the media so as to ensure that ALL PERSPECTIVES are presented.


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Saturday, February 21, 2009

FDEP Complicit in Other Sewer & Asbestos Crimes ...

Only in Florida and only by the FDEP ...
Asbestos Crime


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Friday, February 20, 2009

EPA + FDEP = 0

As the very few that read this blog already know, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection was complicit in not only the cover-up but in enabling in all of the environmental crimes perpetrated on Marco Island during the initial phases of the STRP and the Collier Boulevard construction. Except for the now-departed opposition candidates’ campaign manager at large, no one was surprise on how the FDEP facilitated the good ol’ boy network of the syndicates manipulation of the city council and the ties to the head good ol’ boy the governor. Crimes committed, people got hurt, nothing happened, great, no problem, no news here.

Now this may be something new. Some could be surprised to learn that the United States Environmental Protection Agency launched a criminal investigation related to the environmental crimes described above. The EPA even came up with case number, leading the real stupid amongst us – this author included – to believe that … wow, somebody, some agency actually believes that laws should be enforced. We waited for the indictments with bated breath.

But as days turned into months then into years, us idiots began to wonder what ever happened to the EPA’s criminal investigation of who what when committed the environmental crimes and how the FDEP covered up or otherwise facilitated same.

So … a Freedom of Information Act request (FOIA) was issued by this author to the EPA on July 2007 seeking any and all documents that are in any way related to the City of Marco Island, the syndicate, city councilors individually and/or collectively, any company or organization that may have been involved in the pollutions, etc. etc. etc. ad nausea.

Well, well, well. Just last week, after nineteen (19) months of lying, obfuscation and otherwise highly puerile and humorous attempts by the EPA to prevent the release of everything and anything related to the contamination of the island, and after requesting intervention from one of our US Senators, the EPA finally complied to the FOIA with …


Well, let’s be fair – the only documents the EPA turned over … now wait for it … think about it … ARE THE VERY SAME EMAILS AND LETTERS THE CITIZENS SENT TO THE EPA DESCRIBING THE CRIMES! Oh, and better still, not all of the emails and documents were turned over, and the ones that were turned over were redacted. Now all of you know what redacted means, right? You know, you know, you know … its like looking at the documents related to the JFK assassination or the reports on the Cuba missile crisis where 9 tenths of each document are cut out or blotted out with a thick magic marker.

Despite myriad videos and pictures and tests and the hundreds of elderly residents that sought medical attention, your public bodies charged with prosecuting environmental crimes did nothing – other than consume trillions of dollars that we, as in we the people, gave them through our taxes. We The People have been transmogrified into We The Sheep

So, congratulations to the syndicate, to all of those that voted for the STRP and also ignored the pulverizing and burying of asbestos, to all of those that directly and indirectly contaminated the island, to the city council that allowed the pollution to go on unabated, and to all of those that survive when the rule of law is ignored.

As to us, we are finished, no longer going to chase down accessories to crimes (FDEP & EPA) in the hope that they prosecute the criminals, for such has proven time and time again to be futile.

Isn’t what some aspects this country’s government have become really pathetic?


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Friday, February 13, 2009

Education vs. Everything Else Redux

A priceless study is being manifest on a daily basis – a research project that those benevolent souls looking for something “constructive” to muse about to the tune of 1,000 pages for their EdD would simply kill for.

The study could be entitled: The Reasons Why the Educational System in America Has Failed.

The data: The Marco Island High School non-debate.

The longer the notion of a high school on Marco Island is being discussed and studied, the more reasons we are entreated to as to why everything ever invented or conceived or imagined or what Immanuel Kant put forth as a noumenon should take precedence over education.

Here are this week’s reasons why a high school for exemplary education on Marco Island is a bad idea:
  • Even discussing the high school hurts the feelings of Lely’s former, current, future, imaginary students, teachers, parents, administrators, landscapers, coaches, truant officers
  • Having children watch solar panels on Track K is educational enough
  • No one has voted for the high school
  • It will crimp the syndicate’s plan to monopolize everything on Marco Island
  • It would be a shame to pull 300 kids out of Lely and thereby “hurt Lely”
  • Attending a big high school will prepare the student to absorb the shock of going to a university with 40,000 students
Notice that all of these pretexts are devoid of any educational context, meaning that hurting someone’s feelings, that watching solar panels, that voting for something that never needs a vote, that enriching the usual suspects, that the myriad numbers game … all trump education.

How sad. Every excuse relegates the welfare of children to a level that can be bartered for. And if the excuses weren’t pathetic in their own right, we could take the time and state the obvious with such retorts such as
  • what in practice and in reality actually prepares a student to absorb the “shock” of going to any university of any size or stature is an exemplary education in the high school they graduated from
  • Vote for a school? … despite the fact that no one has ever voted for Lely – or any other public school – for that matter. But you have to admit, this one is original given that no one voted for the 9-figure STRP boondoggle and that your congress today voted for a 18-figure spending plan WITHOUT HAVING READ THE PLAN
Need one go on?

Shouldn’t education – as in the absolute best one attainable – be the sole and irrefutable reason by which to make a decision on a school?

You would think so – presumably if thinking was required – oh, but, that’s right, thinking wasn’t mentioned either in this week’s reasons.


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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

If it Were Only Here ...

source: csmonitor 2/11/2009

The FBI is conducting more than 500 investigations of corporate fraud amid the financial meltdown, the bureau's deputy director told a Senate panel Wednesday.

Deputy Director John Pistole also said 38 of the 530 total active corporate fraud investigations involve fraud and financial institution matters directly related to the economic crisis.

Additionally, the FBI has more than 1,800 mortgage fraud investigations, more than double the number of such cases just two years ago.

There are so many mortgage fraud cases, Pistole said, that the bureau is not focusing on individual purchasers, but industry professionals generating fraud schemes that could total as much as hundreds of millions of dollars.

"It is a matter of lawyers, brokers or real estate professionals that are systematically trying to defraud the system," Pistole said.

Agents have even seen some instances of organized crime getting involved in mortgage fraud, he said.

Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., urged the FBI and the Justice Department to put people who have committed mortgage fraud behind bars.

"I want to see people prosecuted.... Frankly, I want to see them go to jail," he said.

Neil Barofsky, who was appointed the inspector general of the ongoing financial bailout plan, suggested the best way to clean up mortgage fraud is to pursue licensed professionals in the industry, and make examples of them.

"They have the most to lose, they're the most likely to flip, and they make the best examples," said Barofsky, a former federal prosecutor in New York.

"What we're trying to do is get out in front as much as we can," Pistole told the Senate Judiciary Committee.

The Senate held the hearing, titled "The Need for Increased Fraud Enforcement in the Wake of the Economic Downturn," a day after the Obama administration announced reforms to the $700 billion financial bailout program. The revamped program would combine up to $2 trillion in public and private money to free up credit and aid ailing banks. But bailout recipients have already come under criticism for wasting the money they've received.

Pistole said a lot of the oversight didn't come into place until much of the first $350 billion was out the door, but that law enforcement agencies would be able to prevent fraud much more efficiently with the rest of the money.

"Coordination, coordination, coordination," said Rita Glavin, acting assistant attorney general. "That's going to make the biggest impact."

Senate Democrats are urging more spending to expand the ranks of the FBI's financial fraud investigators.

After the 2001 terror attacks, about 2,000 FBI agents were moved to counterterrorism work, and Pistole said they are moving some of them back to buttress anti-fraud efforts.


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Sunday, February 08, 2009

Land Grab Details

Here are the details of the Track-K "deal" - without approval of the Collier County School Board, without approval from the Marco Island City Council (not that it would be that difficult anyway), without consideration of the environmental laws, without adhering to the deed restriction, without input from the citizens of Marco Island, without ... and by the usual suspects of course.


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