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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Water – More for Sale

Former Governor Graham caution Florida lawmakers yesterday that pending legislative action "would cause considerable damage to the Everglades and cause Floridians to lose control of thousands of acres of wetlands."

From the Palm Beach Post: "Speaking to the Florida Legislative Everglades Caucus, Graham called on them to reject two water measures he called 'not just the camel's nose but the camel's neck and shoulders under the tent of privatization of water.' HB 639 would allow utilities to have permanent ownership of water they have used and treated."

This bill if enacted would change the current law that clearly defines water as belonging to the people – not to the municipality as the City of Marco Island incorrectly believes. Hence, rogue and privately controlled municipalities like the City of Marco Island (read: STRP, the syndicate, compliant judges, etc…) would be allowed to use water as another commodity by which to tax at politically advantageous (condominium) or disadvantageous (home owners) rates.

Namely, from the water belonging to the people (now treated water being injected into the aquifer for the most part), to being sold back to the people – wait! Isn't that what they syndicate promised with the STRP – non-potable treated water being sent back to the houses for irrigation? How did that work out for those STRP supporters?

Here on Marco Island, except for a handful of ignored former residents, no one actually cares about water, water conservation or water quality – unless it impacts them financially when paying their monthly water bill.

And that water bill will go up if the above noted House Bill becomes law since it would allow the City of Marco Island to further commoditize water.


  • Such a great article which This bill if enacted would change the current law that clearly defines water as belonging to the people – not to the municipality as the City of Marco Island incorrectly believes. Hence, rogue and privately controlled municipalities like the City of Marco Island would be allowed to use water as another commodity by which to tax at politically or disadvantageous rates.Thanks for sharing this article.

    By Anonymous Mandy, at Monday, April 02, 2012 3:37:00 PM  

  • Nice post which This bill if enacted would change the current law that clearly defines water as belonging to the people – not to the municipality as the City of Marco Island incorrectly believes. In which Here on Marco Island, except for a handful of ignored former residents, no one actually cares about water, water conservation or water quality – unless it impacts them financially when paying their monthly water bill.Thanks a lot for posting this article.

    By Anonymous Nate, at Wednesday, April 18, 2012 12:18:00 PM  

  • Thank you. I too hope it passes so the syndicate will think twice before going forward with their latest theft disguised as water rates reform. The problem is as we have learned at too great a cost the syndicate through their stooges on the council will ignore the law . Thanks again Mario

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Wednesday, April 18, 2012 1:42:00 PM  

  • In my opinion unfortunately Graham is right about the situation.

    By Anonymous Kuba ekskurzia, at Friday, May 18, 2012 5:19:00 AM  

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