Who Should Pay EPA Fine for Asbestos Contamination?
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Who Should Pay EPA Fine for Asbestos Contamination?
In as much as Quality Enterprise knew or should have known just what the procedures were for handling asbestos, it is my opinion that QE and QE alone should be held responsible for all costs incurred for the improper handling and disposal of asbestos.
As to the city officials and employees; the employment of any city employee, still working for the city, that were in any official way involved in the handling or disposal of the asbestos should be terminated.
All elected city officials presently in office should be recalled for nonfeasance and malfeasance regarding this asbestos matter. All councilors, past and present, were neglect and are still neglect in their duties to protect the citizens of Marco Island.
Of courses this opinion presupposes that the EPA finds quilt in the disposal and handling of the asbestos.
Thank you for your efforts Mario.
Anonymous, at Monday, May 24, 2010 12:08:00 PM
thank you and i agree.
my rationale for including the city councilors is predicated on the argument that each of them KNEW that what QE and moss and joel was wrong and outright illegal. the city councilors were informed in council meetings in the newspaper via myriad emails. but instead of halting the practice (or at least stopped until there was an independent review) they denigrated slurred libeled and slandered those of us that brought the illegal acts to their attention. only kiester and froscht spoke out consistently against the asbestos dumping (and the lethal levels of hydrogen sulfide contamination of the city). the others were too busy being corrupt or too busy being stupid (stupidity is not a defense).
according to florida law these actions by city councilors denies their protection under sovereign immunity.
so both for ethical and legal reasons the councilors were included in who should pay.
but you are correct - QE was the actual perpetrator
Daring to Speak, at Monday, May 24, 2010 12:26:00 PM
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