Is She Referring to Some in our Government?
"Second-rate liberals who went to mediocre schools and married mediocre women are burning with jealousy from their nondescript, mediocre jobs. So they use their government jobs to attack their betters and sneer about the players."
Ann Coulter
Are you referring to the Marco City Council? All of them except one are card-carrying Republican conservatives. The one Democrat is staunchly anti-sewer and has attempted, with little support from the others, to rein in spending. The other councilors are far from liberal--they are a batch of authoritarians who know what's best for Marco, and don't dare confuse them with facts.
Anonymous, at Thursday, June 21, 2007 9:41:00 PM
I wasn't aware that all but one were RHINOS (Republicans In Name Only). With this councils' zero understanding of conservative values (limited spending, limited government, limited intrusion into the lives of people, limited taxation, giving the people the option to choose at every opportunity, respect for the constitution and the bill of rights, etc..) I hope you understand how I was mistaken. Sorry.
But then again some people say that President Bush is a republican.
Remove the "democrat" angle - the article is still quite apt, wouldn't you say?
Thank you for your comment and correcting me...
Daring to Speak, at Friday, June 22, 2007 1:57:00 PM
I'd be leary about accepting anything out of this woman's mouth as "food for thought." Remember all those hateful things she wrote about the 9-11 widows? And here's her latest:
Anonymous, at Tuesday, June 26, 2007 1:29:00 PM
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