On Marco Island: Independent Reporting, Documenting Government Abuses, Exposing the Syndicate, Historical Records of Crimes Against the Environment

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Wednesday, January 03, 2007

What’s Great about Marco Island for 2007

1. Councilors DiSciullo, Forcht and Kiester Why? Because Mrs. DiSciullo’s heart and mind are in the right place, because Mr. Kiester seems to get it, and because Mr. Forcht hardly shows up to meetings (recall Thomas Paine’s adage “That Government is best which governs least”).

2. The beaches (even though some are not “free”), nature (still free), relative easy access to the waterways (which are not contaminated – yet), and the splendor of the natural pristine general outdoors (except you know where of course).

3. The staff at Mackle Park. Well natured and willing to please.

4. Lisa Douglass. Why? Because she is stuck between a rock and a hard place, and despite the “forces”, does her job with grace and caring.

5. The revolutionaries, also known as civic activists. Why? “I hold it, that a little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical.” (Thomas Jefferson). So to the Paine, Jefferson, Jay, Adams, Madison – Hall, Foster, Neylon, Davies, Putnam, et al, Thanks! Equally beneficial to Marco is MITA for keeping a watchful eye on all that free money.

6. The Marco Island Eagle. The paper reports all sides, stood up to the intimidation from the usual suspects, and is highly civic minded. A real community paper.

7. The local pro industrialization/commercialization/big government Political Committee (aka PAC). What? Is this the same group that, amongst other things, willfully petitioned the city government to squelch our first amendment rights? Yes it is – so why? Assuredly, these goofballs come up with the most inane, irrational, languorous, disingenuous, bucolic, transparent, Kafkaesque, mindless positions and statements – all of which makes them resemble the Three Stooges and the Marx Brothers all rolled up into 20 or so souls. And besides, we are often laughing too hard at their antics that we miss most of their diatribe anyway. Heck, its free entertainment, isn’t it?

8. The small town look and feel. Most residents know each other, the police wave as they go by and are more inclined to give a lecture than a citation, most non-restaurant merchants are friendly, the kids get merchant cards for good grades, there are children that actually live here, and the whole Norman Rockwell panorama.

9. There is available space for a super Wal-Mart.

10. Many, many great residents of all ages that just want to be treated fairly while living in peace.

Ps. If your name appears on this list and you want to be removed, feel free to send an email (and we’ll put you on the Worst of Marco 2007 posting).


  • Lisa is stuck - the rock is the B.S. propoganda she gets from Moss, etc which no one believes including herself and that is the hard place

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Tuesday, January 09, 2007 4:50:00 PM  

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