Former City Council Person Responds ...
Subject: Malice
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2007 15:32:12 -0500
Mr. Hall:
You have sent out an email with the following statement:
It appears that the program was born in deceit as evidenced by Chairwoman Vickie Kelber’s statement, "The septic systems are polluting our canals, and there is fecal coliform in the water."
I NEVER MADE THAT STATEMENT. This is an untrue, malicious action on your part.
I DEMAND a public retraction or I WILL seek legal action against you.
Vickie Kelber
Note: Now watch the video (below).
I have received a complaint from former council chairwoman Ms. Kelber regarding my allegation in a recent e-mail, “It appears that the program (STRP) was born in deceit as evidenced by Chairwoman Vickie Kelber’s statement, “The septic systems are polluting our canals, and there is fecal coliform in the water.” Ms. Kelber did not use those exact words. My paraphrasing of her comments regarding pollution in our canals and my statement should not have been in quotes.
Subsequently Ms. Kelber e-mailed me:
“I DEMAND a public retraction or I WILL seek legal action against you.”
Ms. Kelber’s exact quote regarding the pollution in our canals at the January 3, 2006, council meeting regarding the STRP was, “We already have the data….The nitrogen has increased exponentially, that the fecal has increased, there are times when it has been over 200.”
We now know that there isn’t, nor was there ever, any data supporting the claim the septic systems are polluting our canal.
When the dangers of sewer spills was brought up at a council meeting as a major concern, Ms. Kelber’s response was, “That was one of the many things that bothered me. We haven’t had a spill, it doesn’t mean we won’t.”
In fact, the City of Marco Island reported 10 major sewer spills totaling approximately 10,000 gallons during the two years preceding that statement.
There has never been any recorded incident of a septic system spill.
The videos and facts supporting the above may be viewed at
I will leave it to the reader to judge the validity of my statement that the STRP was born in deceit. I also suggest that the recent discovery of e-mails between Ms. Kelber, Mr. Moss and other members of the past and present council, reveal a very disturbing pattern of a conscious attempt to massage the facts to support their position. These e-mails may prove to be violations of the government in Sunshine law.
The list of unanswered questions regarding the STRP continues to grow. I am informed that the whole matter has been referred to the States’ Attorney for investigation. At this point, these are only allegations. If it turns out that the law was violated and that the council members knew they were violating the law it becomes a criminal misdemeanor. If so, not only could the entire STRP become invalid, but the councilpersons that are involved could become personally liable for the damages resulting from the violations. Why can’t we stop this unnecessary $137,000,000 project and wait for the truth to come out?
The February 14, 2007, workshop was another attempt to shift the focus away from the fact that the STRP is unnecessary. Rather than deal with the problem, it focused on a more equitable solution to a problem that we don’t have. It is like ignoring the evidence that the convicted man is innocent and focusing on changing the method of his execution from hanging to lethal injection so that it will be more acceptabe.
Roger Hall Chairman Recall Committee
Anonymous, at Thursday, February 15, 2007 11:42:00 AM
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