On Marco Island: Independent Reporting, Documenting Government Abuses, Exposing the Syndicate, Historical Records of Crimes Against the Environment

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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Another Environmental Problem on Marco Island

Saddling San Marco Rd. around the Key Marco entrance are two swaths of dead mangroves. Despite being evident for years, no action to alleviate the cause has been undertaken by the plethora of governmental layers purportedly in place to prevent such problems. That they caused the dead zone is nothing new.

It appears that the cause is due to the natural flow being blocked by road work. Whatever the reason, the resolve - if any - is exactly where?

Aren't we all glad the the city and the county and the state and the federal government and several private environmental organizations are all in place to prevent and fix these problems!

(click on any image to view a high-definition picture. )


  • Re: the dead mangroves on San
    Marco road- I am a yearly visitor to MI and I noticed last yr,2009 that section of dead mangroves and wondered what was going on -Shouldn`t Rookery Bay or the Conservancy be looking into the matter and the Marco Eagle investigating as well ? Where are these City Councilmen on issues like this? Seems like all that goes on here are proposals to raise taxes and fix things that don`t need to be fixed.Marco was once a fantastic place and then what happened-

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Thursday, August 19, 2010 6:51:00 AM  

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